2020 – 2022, (UPEACE)
MA in International Peace Studies (IPS)
2015 – 2018, ZDHK
BA in Interaction
(Product) Design
Other Qualifications
First Aid Certificate, 2020
BLS-AED-SRC Provider, 2020
SMEs Management Certificate, 2014
Marketing Certificate, 2013
Certificate of Proficiency, Media Designer, 2012
Swiss German, mother tongue
Romansh, mother tongue
German, fluent
English, fluent
Spanish, fluent
Co-Founder & CEO
Founder & CEO
IPS critically analyses the causes and consequences of contemporary conflicts and violent outbreaks that affects human security around the world. It aims at understanding armed conflicts, violent extremism, (de)militarization, economic-, social-, and gender injustices, cultural and religious identity conflicts, and competition over environmental resources, in order to develop more satisfying transformation approaches, peace processes, and peacebuilding practices.
Related fields are conflict analysis, resolution, transformation, peacekeeping and peacebuilding, local and global justice, conflict and peace-sensitive policy-making, conflict studies, and research.
An interaction designer deals with emerging technologies and markets, material futures, gender and identity, society and culture, sustainability and innovation, human interaction, storytelling, design activism, health, and development.
Related terms are user experience (UX) design, user interface (UI) design, service design, social design, human-centered design, design thinking.
In a world where everything changes in the blink of an eye, where our reality is only a speck of dust of what we call existence, I respect the known and unknown, give time the attention it deserves, and remain humbly aware of my impermanence and ignorance. (LL)